Viva la resolutión!

It happens each year around this time. Motivated by the fresh promise of a new beginning, a pristine page with nary a mark upon it, people:
flood the gyms and fitness centers,
fill their fridges with kale, kefir and water lily seeds,
and whip open their closets and pantries,
bursting with boundless excitement, stick-to-it-iveness, and a firm commitment to their New Year aspirations.

They are the resolutionaries.

Sadly, for some, their resolve just won’t stick. It takes time (on average, 66 days) and motivation to form a new habit. For others, though, the new year is the absolute right time to set an intention and work to make it a regular part of their lives.

If your New Year’s resolutions include decluttering or getting organized, let’s get you set up to succeed!

A big hurdle is often figuring out where to start. There’s not really a wrong answer here. How about beginning in a heavy-use area? Or maybe you’d feel better starting small with a drawer or closet? Pick somewhere and stick to it. Maybe even write yourself a reminder if you tend to get sidetracked (“Today I am organizing the linen closet!”) Place an empty bin/bag/box nearby for anything you run across that needs to be returned to a different room or location, so you can focus on the job you chose to tackle.

Questions about your particular project? Let me know!


Of good cheer


Happy holidays!