The power of small change
Lately I’ve been noticing the power of small changes. It doesn’t take much to make a big difference. Getting things up off the floor, adding a pop-of-color pillow to the couch, or taking a few minutes to clear off a counter can feel surprisingly dramatic. Sometimes you don’t even know how much something has been bothering you until it’s gone and you find yourself smiling with satisfaction.
A few months ago, I suddenly realized that a plastic bag was dragging me down daily. In our house, we’ve gotten into the habit of giving our dog a chew stick whenever we leave for the day. It’s like saying “Sorry to leave you alone for a bit buddy, but here’s a consolation snack!” The chew sticks come in a resealable plastic bag. But for some reason, the resealing part always drove me a little nuts. Every day, it was either slightly frustrating to open, or slightly frustrating to close. Not a big deal, but just one of those things that make you go “grrr….” So finally, I decided to wipe that small irritation out of my life for good. Who needs extra frustration every day? No one! The answer for me was to banish the plastic bag. (If I had just left it open, the snacks could too easily spill.) I found a cute round tin that was serving no other purpose in our house and stood all the chew sticks in there like a bunch of pencils. Now they are cutely contained, and super easy to grab when needed. Love!
What small change can make today that might result in a big, satisfying difference? Hop to it!