It’s just stuff … or is it?

I always like when I’m reading a book for fun and I come across something related to organizing. This happened most recently with A Gentleman in Moscow, a novel by Amor Towles:

“But experience is less likely to teach us how to bid our dearest possessions adieu. And if it were to? We wouldn’t welcome the education. For eventually, we come to hold our dearest possessions more closely than we hold our friends. We carry them from place to place, often at considerable expense and inconvenience; we dust and polish their surfaces and reprimand children for playing too roughly in their vicinity—all the while, allowing memories to invest them with greater and greater importance.”

I had to stop of read that a few times because it is both so true and so beautifully worded. It’s also the crux of why it can be so. very. hard. to declutter, purge or tidy things by yourself. You look around a room and see not only the things, but also the stories wound around them. An organizer can help you figure out ways to keep both, while also eliminating excess. Are you holding on too tightly to the past? Are you clinging to things that once were useful, but have completely served their purpose in your life? Let’s figure out how you can surround yourself with things that make you happy and support the life you are living today.


Estate of mind


Better together